The Adventures of Jane and Craig

Friday, June 22, 2007

One week left!

So we're pretty much finished everything...exams are over for Jane, I have three more days of work. We picked up our car today, i've got to say it's pretty cool having a car. I'll put a picture up once i get one :) We went to go pick up our marriage license the other was kinda crazy. I was all joking "so we're married now" and they pulled out a bible and made us swear on it, so i thought that maybe Jane had taken it upon herself to get a justice of the peace or something, but they just wanted us to swear on it to confirm our info :)

so it's pretty exciting...7 days and counting...we can almost see it on the long range forecast on the weather network...keep your fingers everyone. and to whoever sent a gift of a bookshelf to my parent's place...thank you very much! but there was no name or card on it or anything so we don't know who to thank :)

see you next weekend!


  • At 9:52 a.m., Blogger Janie said…

    You thought *I* had taken us to a justice of the peace? You lead us there, so if anyone was trying to speed up the process it was you!


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