The Adventures of Jane and Craig

Sunday, May 13, 2007


We made an offer on this beautiful house this week and they accepted it! We will be moving in on July 9th, almost immediately after our wedding...if we haven't gone insane by August 1st, we should be good for the next 50 or 60 years, right Jane? :) Seriously though, we've been house hunting for the past couple of months and this popped up and we just knew it was right. Two stories, finished basement, decent sized backyard,'s ready to move in. Sorry for the small picture, was giving me the hassle. There are better pictures here

It's been quite the experience with house hunting and house buying. I would make a terrible car salesman, all the haggling and to-ing and fro-ing did absolutely nothing for me.

Jane had a shower yesterday and she said she had a great time. Thanks to everybody for showing up! I'm heading over to mom and dad's for mother's day shortly, and my mother told me that she has a video tape, so we'll see how that goes ;)

Reminder to everyone to book your hotels and send your RSVPs back. I think the hotels said they'd only hold rooms till May 15th, so if you don't book quickly there you may be sleeping in a tent ;)

I also picked up Jane's wedding band yesterday...the bachelor party is next weekend in Ottawa...I imagine there will be pictures. It's busy, busy for us, but we're loving every minute of it!

Jane and Craig
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