The Adventures of Jane and Craig

Friday, January 05, 2007

Niagara Trip

We got back from Niagara Falls, and I'm having the darnedest time posting pictures. Since is now run by google, I had to install a new picture posting program. So I think I have it figured out.

The trip really started with a trip to Zehrs the Friday before we left (December 28th). Jane spotted a $20 on the ground at Zehrs and we couldn't find it's rightful owner so we claimed it as our own. Note the joy in my eyes ;)

So we go to the Casino while we're down there, and I'm playing the slot machines with the "free" $20 bill. I pull the lever and I win 600 credits which works out to $150. The machine was making a whole bunch of noise, bells ringing etc. and even the old ladies beside me were impressed. By the time I was done I was up to $205

It was a good day, as all of the days were. I'll try and post the pictures as days from now on.
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