The Adventures of Jane and Craig

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Best day ever

Yesterday was the best day of my life. I asked Jane to marry me and she said yes! Here is a pic of us at Boston Pizza before our friends and family got there (see below...more pictures to come eventually from other cameras). The middle picture is of Jane's ring. The last is the giant pitchers of beer we were drinking. It was the revenge beer for those who know that story :)

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  • At 2:05 p.m., Blogger WEBAZO said…

    congratulation from the spain!!!! :):) vivaaaa los novioSSssss!!!

  • At 6:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats guys! Craig Kevin is very dissapointed in you that he didn't hear it from you directly! Give us a call when you have a chance. Love Kevin and Julie

    P.s. Craig weren't you supposed to Marry Kirk!!!????

  • At 8:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations Craig and Jane from "The Jewel of the Bonnechere". Can't wait to meet the "blushing bride to be". Does she know about yoour mother's side of the family??? Just checking!
    Aunt Moon and Uncle Kelly

  • At 8:56 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratualtions Craig and Jane.
    When you tell Jane about your mother's side of the family. Please include the fact that amazingly enough a couple of your cousins turned out normal.
    Welcome to the family tree Jane.

  • At 4:52 p.m., Blogger steve and Jenna said…

    Hi Congrats, guys! So Craig I guess you are marrying your Mrs. Perfect. Wink wink

    we are happy for you both.

    JEnna and Mr. PErfect


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