Sunday, January 28, 2007
Yesterday was the best day of my life. I asked Jane to marry me and she said yes! Here is a pic of us at Boston Pizza before our friends and family got there (see below...more pictures to come eventually from other cameras). The middle picture is of Jane's ring. The last is the giant pitchers of beer we were drinking. It was the revenge beer for those who know that story :)
An Exciting Saturday
Yesterday (January 27th), I came up to Owen Sound to spend a day or two with Craig. I got up here, and after some repeated prodding from Craig sat down on the couch. He then got down on one knee (very gracefully - of course!) and asked me to marry him. I (of course) said YES! - repeatedly. No details yet, and likely not happening until summer 2008, but Craig did pick out a beautiful ring all on his own. He really is perfect ;)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Blue Rodeo Concert at Mount Forest January 25, 2007
I bought Jane Blue Rodeo tickets for Christmas/her birthday/Valentine's day...i haven't decided yet ;) in any case, the concert was Thursday night after work. Jane came and picked me up and we made the trek out to Mount Forest.

On the way through Durham I tried to take a picture of the Tim Horton's where me and Jane had her first date. Note only did I not get a picture of it, but the flash almost blinded Janie and we were almost killed. Luckily though no one was harmed.
On the way through Durham I tried to take a picture of the Tim Horton's where me and Jane had her first date. Note only did I not get a picture of it, but the flash almost blinded Janie and we were almost killed. Luckily though no one was harmed.
We got to the venue and we got a parking spot across the road. So Craig, the genius, decides to leave his coat in the car in -25 temperature so I don't have to worry about it and we go inside for the show. Well of course, it's a small place, so when they're bringing equipment/people in/going for a smoke they open the back door, and I was fricking cold!!!1!! We were in the front row on the right (Keelor) side thanks to some good internet ticket buying by yours truly. We were right on the right side. Well not all the way to the right. There were four people to the right of us who also got "front row" tickets...i wish i could've got a picture. Basically their view was obstructed by like a door and some stairs. It was hilarious.
This was the opening act, James McKenty. He was okay. The rest of his band came out after a while and accompanied him with a tambourine and a ukelele. So while this was all going on, there was nobody in the row behind us. This kinda ticked me off because what's the point of being in the front row, if there's no one behind you? ;) after this guy went off and they were setting up the stage (one of the guys looked remarkably like Bubbles), and it eventually filled in :) good time had by all
Concert Pics
Jane did most of the picture taking and she did an excellent job. She had to get used to the lights (or lackthereof). She will be a pro soon ;)
Keelor always makes me laugh...he looks like a regular guy and i could easily imagine him being like a drunk uncle or something...just give him a cigarette ;)
Friday, January 05, 2007
Jane and Craig 775 feet above the Falls
(These got put out of order, I forgot that we went up the tower).
On the second day we did a whole bunch of things. We did glow in the dark miniputt. We went back to the midway and won a deck of Niagara Falls cards and 5 pencils ;) We went to a "4-d" movie about the falls. They gave us 3d glasses which unfortunately we didn't get a picture of, and the "fourth dimension" was wind and water. Basically they turned a fan on for the wind and sprayed water from the ceiling when there was a water part. It was cheesy but the funniest part was that they put the "water" on when a seagull flew overhead in the movie. So in our expert opinion, the fourth dimension is seagull crap.
We also went up the Skylon tower. Here are some pics
Jane is unimpressed by the "action shots" i was taking as the elevator was coming down ;)
Taking our show on the road to Niagara Falls
So on a warm December day, me and Jane hopped in the car and headed off to Niagara Falls. The trip down was uneventful, cars, fields, bridges, etc. I was happy with this action shot I got of us passing the Niagara Falls sign ;)
It was absolutely beautiful down there. Of course it would have been nicer in the summer, but there were loads of people, the weather was great, and we had a great time!
The first night was awesome, as were all the days and nights actually. We were about a half kilometer away from everything, so we walked everywhere which was fun. The first night we went for Boston Pizza then went to the midway.
I have not lost my shooter's touch ;)
They had a "Hollywood" kinda thing with cutouts of people. I got a nice shot here with Darth
Midway - Night One
These are my two favourite pictures from the trip. The first one is me sitting in the "World's Tallest Man" (Robert Wadlow)'s chair at Guiness Book of World Records
Which one's Craig and which one's Superman?
Skywheel Pictures
Also on the second day, we went on a giant Ferris wheel called the Skywheel. It was 53 meters tall (or 175 feet for our American friends) ;)
I'm not a big fan of heights, so as you can see from the picture, Craig was unimpressed ;) Jane was a good calming factor though, so we made it through unscathed